Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Foot Prints and Quilts

Image may contain: tree, sky, snow, outdoor and nature
Footprints lead home... Home to my heritage and hearth... Home to the warmth of the fire and a hearty meal...
Footprints take me past the playground of my youth... Past the whispering wind in the pines and the spruce... Past the stone barn filled with horses and hay...
Foot prints take me home... To love... To laughter, some sorrow, and even tears... Yet these Foot Prints have never failed me no matter the years...
Footprints take us to where the heart lives... The heart of the home... The heart of the soul...
I am thankful when I see these Foot Prints... For I know where they go...

For us, a cozy quilt defines home. This one was gifted by Rose to the Guild for a service project.
Rose donated this one.   9/9/14

Mary Jane is finishing the binding on this one.She donated this one for the same project.
 311 quilts were donated by the Guild group in 2014 to three different service organizations. When one doesn't have a home or for one reason or another cannot be in their home a cozy quilt can help create the sense of security and caring.   

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